Crafts PEBBLES Cereal Bag Toss Learn how to create a bean bag toss out of a box of cereal. Then practice your tossing skills and become an all star! PEBBLES Cereal Bag Toss Ingredients1 PEBBLES cereal boxPEBBLES cereal piecesEmpty cereal bowlEmpty juice cupPencil2 pieces colored construction paper2 two-inch by three-inch plastic bagsScissorsGlueTape InstructionsCut both skinny sides of the PEBBLES cereal box diagonally, so you have two half boxes about the same size.Glue construction paper to the front of both pieces.Using an empty bowl as a guide, trace a big circle on the top of each half-box.Using the empty cup, trace two smaller circles below the large circle on each half-box. Cut out the circles you traced.In each of the small bags, place ¼ cup dry PEBBLES cereal. Tape bags closed.Play some toss! The big hole is worth 1 point, small holes are worth 2 points. First to 20 points wins!